Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss O'Malley

Hello and welcome to our Year 6 class page

It has been wonderful to get to know the new Year 6's over the past few weeks - what fantastic role models they all are! 

Homework will be given out at the beginning of the week to be returned the following Monday.

P.E. will be every Thursday with Mr Thompson. Please remember P.E. kits.


Year 6: If you ever encounter a piece of homework which you find too tricky (whether it be just one question or a whole page) please do not sit and spend to long getting frustrated. 
Instead, follow these simple steps:

1.) Spend no longer than 5 minutes looking at the question. Could you highlight the important information? Could you read it in a different way?
2.) Ask an adult at home for some help.

3.) If you're still unsure, come into school and speak to Miss O'Malley or Miss Brewell about the question. I will always squeeze in some extra support for you and try to explain it for you.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Never spend your evening or weekend stressing over a question on a piece of homework, we can work it out together.


If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to arrange a meeting with me to discuss.

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